Techcellent: Things that can affect your WiFi signal.

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Things that can affect your WiFi signal
We sometimes have a love-hate relationship with WiFi.
You may be enjoying a perfectly strong WiFi signal, move just a few steps in one direction, and watch it drop to one bar. Many factors can influence WiFi - the main culprits being building materials in your home.
WiFi uses radio waves
Remember, WiFi uses radio waves to transmit information. Anything that blocks the radio waves path or causes electromagnetic interference, will block or weaken the signal. Today we’re counting down the top 5 WiFi blockers in your home.
5. Your neighbour’s WiFi network
If you open your settings and look at the available WiFi networks, how many different home network names can you see? Those are your neighbour's WiFi networks. Any wireless network that is in close proximity to yours, can hinder your broadband connection.
4. Devices using radio frequencies
WiFi uses two radio frequencies to transmit information - 2.4GHz and 5GHz. The 2.4GHz frequency band is a crowded area. Many devices, such as baby monitors, cordless phones, wireless headsets, walkie-talkies, microwaves, garage door openers, and Bluetooth devices operate under the 2.4GHz band and may interfere with your WiFi signal.
3. Windows, tinted glass and mirrors
I know what you’re thinking… How can windows and glass affect my WiFi signal? They are transparent and not as thick as walls. But, don’t let their appearance deceive you. While windows are great for letting the light in, they interfere with your signal by reflecting it.
Tinted glass is designed with specific materials to block out the light. They sometimes contain a metallic film that interferes with specific radio signals.
Like windows, mirrors are reflective. All mirrors are made up of a thin coat of metal on a piece of glass. Due to the metal backing, they can cause electromagnetic interference.
2. Concrete walls
WiFi signal does not mix well with concrete; it’s one of the thickest building materials. As a result, the WiFi signal has a hard time passing through concrete walls and floors. Especially if they are strengthened with metal rods. The thicker the concrete, the harder it is for the signal to pierce through.
1. Metal
The ultimate signal blocking material.
Metal is the hardest material to penetrate because it’s a conductor of electricity. What does electricity have to do with WiFi? Radio waves are electromagnetic, meaning that metal has the ability to absorb them.
Anything that has metal, such as metal blinds, doors, furniture, infrastructure, and walls, can greatly diminish or completely terminate the WiFi signal. The more metal there is between your WiFi router and the connected device, the worse the WiFi signal will be.
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