5 Good uses for your PC tower, you may have not considered

Whether you are sentimental or simply enjoy DIY projects, it really doesn't matter. Often, we come across objects that we have held onto for a significant period, which are difficult for us to part with. Like a PC tower (case) for example! Take a look at these five creative ways people on the internet have discovered to repurpose their old computers.
1. Bookshelf
To make this shelf, the side panels and internal components were removed. Then, the case was spray-painted. It's as simple and straightforward as that! The only question left would be "to mount or not to mount".

2. Grow Box
A grow box is an “ inventive solution” that helps in the growing of plants indoors or in small spaces. There are numerous sources available on how to construct one. But, for now, here's what it would look like if you repurposed your tower case to create one.

3. Bedside Table
Depending on the look you would be going for, the removal of internal components and side panels will be optional on this one. You could replace the side panels with glass and add fairy lights or paint the box a different colour? The possibilities are endless. The main idea here is to add the top tray that will turn the tower into a table

4. Aquarium
Yup, you can turn just about anything into an aquarium.This particular project will undoubtedly require more effort, but the idea and potential results make it a project worth pursuing.

5. Bench
You will need an extra tower case for this one (obviously). With a little reinforcement and a plank, a little drilling. You will be sitting on your "new" bench.

Repurposing, like any DIY endeavour, has levels. There are projects that don’t require tools or pieces that you wouldn’t normally have around the house, and then there are projects that will require special tools and assistance from various sources.
Tell us which project is your favourite in the comments below.
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