Digital detox: 5 Ways to regain control

If you are like me, you've probably experienced the digital drift. You know, that irresistible pull of your devices, where you start by checking a notification and before you know it, two hours have passed, your work is untouched, and you're in a rabbit hole of hilarious cat videos. It’s like we’re all living in a cyberspace vortex, and it’s harder and harder to pull ourselves away from our screens. It is very evident that in today’s society people are slaves to their devices and the apps on them. With constant social media notifications, work emails, and other distractions, it becomes really challenging to be intentional with the use of the devices.
So, what do you do when the digital drift hits? Do you give in to the siren call of your apps, or do you valiantly try to resist? Personally, I’ve tried everything from turning off notifications to chucking my phone in the freezer for a “time out,” but the struggle is real. Luckily, there are a few tips and tricks that have helped me stay more focused and intentional with my screen time.
- The Out of Sight, Out of Mind Method: Temptation can be hard to resist, but if the source of temptation isn't even in the same room as you, it's much easier to stay focused. So, when you need to concentrate on work or other important tasks, simply put your phone in another room, preferably somewhere that’s a bit of a pain to get to.
- Customize Your Notifications: Disable notifications for applications which do not require constant interaction in real time. This can assist in minimizing distortions that may hamper your ability to achieve your goals. You can even limit yourself to view your notification at a specified interval of time, say after nine in the morning, two in the afternoon and eight in the evening.
- Set Screen Time Limits: Almost all current devices have built-in tools for tracking and limiting the time spent on the screen. Use these features wisely to ensure that you are not spending too much time in front of your devices. There are external apps like Opal, which are very good, and you can take breaks of between 1-15 minutes should you wish to check some apps or have a little break and watch reels or TikToks.
- The Digital Detox Break: Give yourself a much-needed break from the digital world by setting specific periods of time where you disconnect from your gadgets completely. You might turn off your phone, put it on silent, or even (gasp!) leave it at home when you go for a walk or meet up with friends. The idea is to give yourself a break from the constant barrage of notifications, social media updates, and the temptation to mindlessly scroll through your feeds.
- Use Airplane Mode: If you have a very important task that requires you to avoid any kind of interruption, turn your gadget to Airplane mode. This is when you have deadlines and need that 30 minutes of deep work. The pomodoro method helps here as well. Here's a browser one as an example:
So there you have it! Five ways to regain control of your screen time and break free from the digital drift. Remember, the key is to find a balance that works for you and to be intentional about how you use your devices.
And don't forget, you don’t have to go completely offline! There’s a difference between being a slave to your screen and using it as a tool for enjoyment, productivity, and staying connected with the people you love.
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